
by WhereIF

Where Icarus Flies is up and running! It is understandably sparse for now. I am using WordPress and free theme, which I will try not to customize too much. For now, I want to keep site maintenance REALLY simple. In time I will likely switch themes and do a lot more with the site, or it may succumb to virtual rot and general neglect. Only time will tell for sure.

First things first

I want to play around with podcasting and other cool technology. Okay, well, podcasting has been around long enough that it is no longer “cool technology,” but it is for me. So, in the next few days I’ll be figuring out how to setup a Podcast and leave the site very minimalistic.

What is this theme?

For now, I am using a free WordPress Theme called “Gods and Monsters” from Ars Grafik. It seems fitting for now.


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